Malawi government worried with public debt-Finance Minister

Malawi government worried with public debt-Finance Minister

Minister of finance has said government is equally concerned with the sharp rise in public debt

Felix Mlusu was speaking during the 2022 to 2023 pre-budget consultations in Lilongwe

According to Mlusu as at the end of June 2021 public debt hovered at 5.5 trillion kwacha

He says government is doing everything possible to bring down public debt including cutting on unnecessary expenditures

“Government is pushing for the operationalization of the debt retirement fund to bring down levels of the debt,” Mlusu

At the meeting Malawi health equity network MEHN executive director George Jobe proposed the introduction of a health levy on vehicle certificate of fitness and tollgate among others to help adequately finance the health sector

In its contribution Economics association of Malawi ECAMA urged ministry of finance to review the duty free week saying “in its original state it is against Malawi 2063 as it promotes consumption rather than manufacturing.”

ECAMA executive director frank Chikuta says although government has not provided finer details to the public on the implementation of the duty free week, economists’ body understands that the duty free week will promote importation of household items rather than small machinery to promote production

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