Body of murdered person with albinism recovered

Body of murdered person with albinism recovered


Officer In charge for Mangochi police station Francis Chisoti said they have recovered the body of Dayton which was chopped in pieces, in a maize field at Kadewere Village in the area of Senior chief Chowe.

Chisoti added that they found the other body tissues on 4th February except the trunk, neck and the head.

He however said after interrogating the three arrested suspects, one of them confessed that he knows where the remaining body parts are being kept and have meanwhile recovered them on Friday 05 February.

“Among those arrested is James Pilo 70 who is believed to be a relative to the deceased yand comes  from Kadewere village, Nikis Sumaila 45 and Gayesi Katupe 43 years both from Chipole village in the area of Senior Chief Chowe in Mangochi,”  Chisoti

However, the case has raised concerns among people with albinism.

Boniface Massa who is also a Commissioner at Malawi Human rights Commission MHRC says its disheartening that  issues of killing people with albinism is resurfacing.

The late Saidi Dyton was buried on Saturday at Kadewere Village in Mangochi.


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