Constituents accuse MP of fueling chieftaincy wrangle

Community members in Phalombe North Constituency have complained that their Member of Parliament Anna Kachikho is interfering in the chieftainship of Group Village Headman Njovu in Traditional Authority Jenala in the district.

According to people who spoke to Radio Islam, Kachikho has created a parallel structure against the current Group Village Headman Njovu which is carrying out all development activities in the area.

“Kachikho is recognizing Byson, son to late Group Village Head Njovu as the chief on the expenses of the incumbent head,” said the people.

Concurring with the people, Group Village Headman Njovu told Radio Islam that he is disturbed with what the MP is doing.

“I am very worried that Kachikho is sidelining me in all development activities for the reason well known to her,” Chief Njovu revealed.

On his part Traditional Authority Jenala argued that Kachikho is using her powers to politicize issues of chieftainship in the area.

“Anna Namathanga Kachikho has been using her political structure to influence me in order to install Byson as GVH Njovu,” disclosed TA Jenala.

However, Kachikho has refuted the reports saying she peacefully interacts with community leaders and no one has logged complaints to her.

“I have never interfered in the chieftainship of Njovu as we are friends in development,” Kachikho said.

Since the introduction of multiparty system of government, chiefs in the country have been complaining that political leaders are intruding into their powers .

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