Zomba DHO worried with misconceptions on chlorine buckets
Zomba district health office DHO has expressed concerns over misconceptions by people over the chlorine buckets which are erected in various water points in the district.
The concern has been issued by Zomba district health officer Raphael Piringu during the media interaction on 5th March, 2018.
Piringu said “the buckets that are erected by Evidence Action are meant for chlorine as one way of making sure that people are using safe water which in turn help to minimize cases of water born diseases like cholera.”
He said is concerned to learn that such buckets are being vandalized by communities thinking that they are meant for family planning.
“I appeal for holistic responsibility in looking after the chlorine buckets saying they are beneficial to all,” Piringu said.
On Zomba’s current cholera status he said the district is vigilant and that there is no any case registered.
“Residents in Zomba should continue applying all hygienic behavior for them to be safe from the disease,” said Piringu.
For the past years, Zomba has been one of the cholera hotspots due to some activities which take place along the lake Chirwa.