Farmers hold policy conference

Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development has urged farmers in Malawi to cooperate in order to make more profits and eradicate hunger.

This was said in Lilongwe during the 2016 National farmers Policy conference and the 12th annual congress organized by Farmers Union of Malawi.

Opening the conference Minister of Agriculture Dr George Chaponda said it has provided opportunity to farmers to discuss issues affecting them.

Dr Chaponda said the agriculture sector is not developing in Malawi because of lack of team work among farmers.

“May I advise all farmers in Malawi to be united in order to be producing more yields because if they were working together the country would not experience hunger.

He therefore encouraged them to work hand in hand to overcome hunger and other challenges.

Chaponda then warned people against forming agricultural associations to steal money from farmers.

In his speech chief executive officer for farmers union of Malawi Prince Kaponda mgaga said the aim of the conference was to find solutions to hunger affecting Malawians, sharing knowledge and discussing other agricultural related issues.

“There is need to conserve food and avoid misuse to control the hunger situation as research indicates that 50 percent of food is abused in Africa,” warned Mgaga.

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