MAM advises Muslims to observe Ramadan prayers at home

MAM advises Muslims to observe Ramadan prayers at home

As the month of Ramadan is fast approaching, Muslim Association of Malawi MAM has advised Muslims to observe their Ramadan prayers at home.

MAM publicist sheikh Dinala Chabulika made the remarks in an interview with Radio Islam as the month will be observed amid covid-19 pandemic.

Sheikh Chabulika admitted that this year’s Ramadan will be tough due to the pandemic but said Islam has in place solutions to all challenges that people are going through.

“Islam permits performing taraweh prayers at home as was during the time of the prophet S.A.W,” says Sheikh Chabulika

He advised Muslims against breaking their fast in Masjids and places where it might be difficult to observe social distance.

He emphasized that Islam values lives before everything hence the need to protect it.


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