Pakistani urges Muslim-majority countries to unite against Islamophobia in non-Muslim states.

Pakistani urges Muslim-majority countries to unite against Islamophobia in non-Muslim states.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has written to leaders of Muslim-majority countries, asking them “to act collectively to counter growing Islamophobia in non-Muslim states.

Khan issued the letter on Wednesday following his rebuke to French President Emmanuel Macron earlier this week, where he accused him of “encouraging Islamophobia” for moves made by his government to tackle what the French leader termed “Islamic separatism”.

Khan called on the leaders of Muslim-majority states to band together to tackle the rising tide of Islamophobia and attacks”.

He said “recent statements at the leadership level are a reflection of this increasing Islamophobia that is spreading in European countries Khan said leaders of these countries did not understand the “love and devotion Muslims all over the world have for their Prophet [Muhammad] and their divine book the Holy Quran”.

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