Protests against sale of MSB Bank on tomorrow

Organizers of demonstrations against the selling of the state owned Malawi Savings Bank scheduled for Thursday May, 15, 2015 have said there is no turning back.

One of the organisers Billy Mayaya said that Malawi Savings Bank belongs to Malawians therefore government must not sell it without their consent.

“As concerned citizens we want to emphasise to government that we are not supporting the selling of Malawi Savings Bank and paying back of the 6 billion Kwacha loan which Muli brothers borrowed from it,” said Mayaya.

He added that police and the district commissioner had given them the permission to go ahead with the demonstrations.

Meanwhile, President of Umodzi Party Professor John Chisi has asked government to explain to the nation the truth of the matter.

“Malawians look for convincing answers from this government which we understand listens to people’s views,”Chisi said.

He made the remarks during a press conference in Blantyre.

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