Six under Zomba police for killing & removing bones of albino

Police in Zomba have arrested six people suspected to have attacked and killed a person with albinism.

Zomba Police Publicist Sergeant Patricia Supiliano said law enforcers got reports that Vincent Masamba 30, Godwin Mwala 39, Samson Madengu 39, Luciano Benado 31, Clement Chikupha 25 and Mavuto Mchilima 38 were offering for sale human bones suspected to be of an albino person.

According to Supiliano, the suspects revealed that they killed Simeon Mphatso Mkola, 18, of Mohiwa village, Traditional Authority Mtchema in Chiradzulu who was an albino.

“The suspects also told the police that in November last year, they agreed to look for an albino in order to remove the bones and sell in Mozambique,” said Supuliyano.

According to Supiliano suspect Vincent Masamba who was given the task to look for an albino person, met the deceased in Chiradzulu and enticed him with a job in Mozambique on December 19, 2014.

The deceased is said to have agreed to spend the night with Masamba at Mwapasa village ahead of the journey to Mozambique the following morning.

“During the night, the suspects murdered him and took the bones before burying the remains at Waluwa village near Phalombe River,” Supuliyano said.

The suspects are expected to appear before court soon to answer charges of murder contrary to section 209 of the penal code.

Meanwhile, police have advised all people with albinism not to be carried away by people pretending to be good Samaritans.

Vincent Masamba and Godwin Mwala hail from T/A Mbiza while Luciano Benado is from T/A Chikowi, and Clement Chikupha comes from T/A Mwambo, all the four from Zomba while Samson Madengu hails from T/A Jenala in Phalombe district.

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