Students seek president’s intervention on college closures

Polytechnic Students Union PSU has asked President Peter Mutharika to intervene in the closure of public colleges.

PSU has said this as presidents of unions for five public institutions of higher learning will meet tomorrow 15th November to strategize on how to cry loudly for government to respond positively to their concerns.

They include leaders of unions of Malawi University of Science and Technology, Mxuxu University, Natural Resources College, Malawi College of Health Sciences and the Polytechnic.

This is according to a statement released by the polytechnic students’ union PSU on 14th November and copied to various groups.

“The decision follows wide range consultations between Polytechnic students union and students,” reads the statement

It says is disappointing that opening of Polytechnic which was closed four months ago has been postponed twice.

PSU adds failure to open the college is a violation of 6 constitutional rights.

“The Minister of Education has not taken any further action therefore we ask the chancellor President Peter Mutharika to intervene as he knows the importance of education,” adds the statement.

PSU has thanked civil society for speaking out for the students.

“We urge Malawians, parents and human rights activists to voice out for rights of students to be respected and safeguarded,” said PSU.

The statement concludes that the five public universities will hold a press conference on Thursday 16th November.

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