Government to resuscitate Cotton Industry

Government says is keen to resuscitate Cotton sub sector to derive meaningful benefits from the industry.

Minister of agriculture, irrigation and water development Kondwani Nankhumwa made the remarks during the launch of Malawi Cotton Development Strategy and the 2018 to 2023 Ministry Strategic Plan.

Nankhumwa said Malawi Cotton Development Strategy (MCDS) is a guide to development of the Cotton Sub-Sector through the period 2019 to 2025 growing seasons.

“Foundation of the strategy is the Cotton Act of 2013, which established Cotton Council of Malawi (CCM) as a regulator of the Cotton Sub-Sector,” said Nankhumwa

He explained that MDCS has the potential to significantly contribute to Agricultural Transformation in Malawi, national foreign exchange earnings, import substitution, employment creation and overall economic growth and development.

He pointed out that the development of the cotton subsector was at the heart of Government as it directly impacts over 300,000 farmers who rely on cotton for their income and livelihoods in the sixteen major cotton growing districts.

“Despite the potential benefits national cotton production has experienced low production levels in recent times due to low yields per unit area, poor access to production inputs, impact of climate change and farmers’ perceptions of low farm gate prices among others,” added Nankhumwa

He said to make matters worse this low production has made the crop less attractive for investments by garments and textile industries.

He expressed that the launching of 2018-2023 Strategic Plan for Ministry provides strategic directions to ensure that all implemented activities are pursuing the intended goal.

Nankhumwa said the plan outlines actions to be implemented in line with the Ministry’s vision of creating ‘a nation with sustainable agricultural production and productivity, water and sanitation for all.’

Norwegian Ambassador to Malawi said they were extremely pleased to have been able to support the development of the Malawi Cotton Development Strategy through the support to African Institute of Corporate Citizenship and its Malawi Agricultural Partnership Program.

CCM Board Chairperson, Martin Mpata said the cotton industry has the potential to make the county’s textile industry flourish.

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