MEC urges Chiefs to cooperate in voter registration

Malawi electoral commission MEC has called on chiefs in Lilongwe district to cooperate in the voter registration exercise.

MEC chairperson Justice Dr Jane Ansah made the call during a visit to Traditional Authority Njewa aimed at civic educating the chiefs about voter registration that is expected to start in the district on 30th July to 12th August.

Ansah said civic educating the chiefs will help to disseminate voter registration message to their people.

“Chiefs have a big responsibility to encourage their subjects to register in large numbers so that they vote in 2019 tripartite elections,” Dr Ansah said

Speaking on behalf of all chiefs traditional authority Njewa said they have acquired necessary electoral information.

Chief Njewa said “we are ready to work together with MEC and make sure that people are registering to vote in next year’s polls.”

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