NGO’s Petition Speaker of Parliament

Council for Non Governmental Organizations CONGOMA and Human Rights Defenders Coalition have petitioned speaker of parliament not to table NGO Amendment Act.

In a statement endorsed by 34 NGOs, chairpersons of CONGOMA Steve Duwa and HRDC Timothy Mtambo say the Amendment Act which was gazzeted on 9th November 2018 is not a product of a thorough, inclusive and democratic process of consultation.

The Amendment ACT seeks to promote freedom of association, removing mandatory double registration, enhancing role of NGO Board and regulation of NGOs in Malawi.

However, the NGOs say a critical analysis of the bill reveals that the amendment Act largely runs counter to promotion of freedom of association.

They say “it is aimed at restricting the civic space in Malawi as it eliminates the NGO’s role in appointment and removal of NGO regulatory authority among others.”

The NGOs stress that all processes around the review of NGO related laws should be spearheaded by an independent constitutional body.

Among the recommendations, the NGOs want inclusion of seats to be occupied by members of NGO sector in the proposed NGO Authority and all appointments by the Minister should be done in direct consultation with CONGOMA.

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