President pardons former minister Uladi Mussa, 199 prisoners

President pardons former minister Uladi Mussa, 199 prisoners

President Chakwera has pardoned former minister of homeland security Uladi Mussa and 199 other prisoners

Chakwera also pardoned Jones Tewesa driver of former commissioner of Malawi Electoral Commission who was facing the charge of barring the president’s convoy to pass in Limbe- Zomba road

He has also released John Mussa who was jailed because of possessing Indian hemp in Kachere Township

Meanwhile Muslim Association of Malawi MAM has extended pleasure on Uladi’s release from the prison

Board of trustees and executive committee of MAM welcomed him into the Muslim community

According to Secretary General Dr Twaibu Lawe the association understands that his release has been based on good behavior during the period he had been in prison.

Meanwhile, Center for Human Rights and Rehabilitation CHRR has requested Chakwera to extend times of pardoning prisoners to decongest prisons.

CHRR executive director Micheal Kaiyatsa said there are many important events that the country observes including Eid li-fitri hence can take advantage of such.


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