Two pay fine for writing obscene words in classrooms

Balaka Second Grade Magistrate Court has ordered two people to pay the fine of K11, 500.00 each for writing obscene words in class rooms.

Police Prosecutor Sergeant Anthony Mtambo told the court that for the past months the suspects Monica Tanthe 24 and Moses Chikalogwe 19 had been writing obscene words in class rooms at Sawali Primary School.

Mtambo said the suspects were targeting teachers and they were even posting some obscene letters on the trees around the School.

“The suspects had been doing this for a long time and at a certain time they appeared before the School Committee but never changed until last week when they were arrested upon a fresh complaint,” revealed Mtambo.

The suspects pleaded guilty to the charge of the Conduct likely to cause a breach of Peace which is contrary to section 181 of the Penal code and upon submission of the facts by the state, the court found them with a case to answer and consequently convicted them.

In his submission before sentence, Sergeant Mtambo asked the court to consider giving the suspects a stiffer sentence considering that their conduct affected the teachers and pupils.

Mtambo said “if the suspects had grudges with the teachers, they could have lodged a complaint with School Committee or even with District Education Manager’s office.”

He therefore asked the court to slap them with a stiffer sentence so that it should be a lesson to them and would be offenders.

In their mitigation, Monica Tanthe asked the court for forgiveness saying that she has three kids to look after while Moses pleaded for leniency for he is a first offender and looks after his aged grandparents.

Passing judgment, Second Grade Magistrate Victor Sibu conquered with the state that the suspects deserved stiffer sentences because their conduct could affect the teachers and in turn quality of education at the School.

“Teachers deserve respect and wondered as to how the pupils would respect their teachers if parents are in the forefront insulting them,” Sibu said.

He therefore ordered them to pay a fine of K11, 500.00 each or in default serve 3 months imprisonment with hard labour and have paid it.

Both suspects Monica Tanthe and Moses Chikalogwe come from Sawali village, Traditional Authority Sawali in the same district of Balaka.

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