Gender Justice says parliamentarians must pass human trafficking bill.

Lawmakers have been asked to pass the human trafficking bill which is expected to be tabled in parliament today.

The call was made in Lilongwe yesterday, during a press conference which was organized by Norwegian Church Aid.

Addressing the press, programs coordinator for Gender, Justice Habiba Osman who is also the member of the activists network fighting against human trafficking, said the current child care and protection Act which was passed in 2010 to enforce rights of children is too weak to address and prosecute perpetrators of the malpractice.

“Malawi is the only country in southern Africa which has weak legislation regarding human trafficking, said Osman.

According to the activists, once the bill is passed into law, it will protect every Malawian citizen regardless of their age against traffickers.

The law will also lessen the burden that law enforcers face to prosecute traffickers.

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