High court convicts Masambuka murderers
High court in Blantyre has convicted five people who murdered a person living with albinism Macdonald Masambuka in Machinga district
The convicted a catholic priest father Thomas Muhosha, police officer Chikondi Chileka, Machinga district hospital clinical officer Lumbani Kamanga and Masambuka’s brother Cassim among 12 people who were answering various charges
Reading the judgment presiding judge Dorothy NyaKaunda Kamanga said the state proved beyond reasonable doubt that the 12 connived to kill Masambuka to extract his bones based on a perception that they will benefit financially
Kamanga set May 31 as the date to deliver the sentence to the convicts
Reacting, Association of People living with albinism APAM has welcomed High Court’s conviction
President of (APAM) Young Mahamba told Radio Islam that “I am very optimistic that justice will be done on 31st May when the court will deliver its sentence.”
Mahamba said close to 200 cases are in courts and less than 80 have been completed.
Meanwhile he said government should be very serious on handling cases of people with albinism considering the case of Masambuka which has taken many years