Kawale Police registers crime decrease

Kawale Police registers crime decrease

Kawale police station has registered a decrease in crime by 26.1 percent in the first half of this year,

A crime bi-annual report released by Research and planning officer sub inspector Thandizo Chimganda said the decrease was registered from January to June

In the same period last year 752 criminal cases were recorded while this year the station has registered 556 cases

The station has also recorded decrease in robbery due to intensive sweeping excercises and sexual offenses

Furthermore the station has reduced murder cases as 16 were recorded last year compared to 13 this year and among them three were influenced by mob justice

However the station has registered an increase in theft of cars and motorcycles, sodomy, house breaking and grievous harm

Officer in charge for Kawale police station has extended gratitude to the public for their support in fighting against crime

The station has assured them that its officers will continue with various measures such as community involvement in security issues to make Kawale a safe place to stay

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