Man to serve 20 yr jail term for defiling 6 girls

Zomba Chief Resident Magistrate court has sentenced a 45 old Man Davie Kagonegone to 20 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling six girls several times in his house.

Eastern region police prosecutor senior superintendent Dickens Mwambazi told the court that Kagonegone had been defiling the girls aged 5 to 7 from January to July this year.

“The issue was disclosed on 20th July when one of the girls told his father that the convict had been defiling her together with other five girls in his house and were given dried fish as payment,” explained Mwambaxi

He said the girls were referred to monkey bay community hospital where medical report confirmed that had been defiled.

The convict pleaded not guilty prompting the prosecution team to parade thirteen witnesses.

“I appeal to the court to be lenient as I have a family to look after,” pleaded Kagonegone.

In his submission senior superintendent Mwambazi asked the court to give the suspect a stiff penalty to protect young girls from cruel men.

When passing judgement magistrate Agnes Patemba concurred with the prosecutor saying she has an obligation to protect Malawian girls from evil men who plan to damages their future.

Davie Kagonegone comes from Chirombo village TA Nankumba in Mangochi district.

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