Research is key component to achieve Malawi 2063-NPC
National Planning Commission (NPC) says research is a key component towards achieving the Malawi 2063 agenda.
This was said during the official opening of the two days stakeholder consultation on the development of National Development Agenda for Malawi 2063 for the first ten years plan.
Speaking to the media on the sideline of the workshop, Director of Knowledge and Learning at NPC, Dr Joseph Nagoli, said “the meeting is aimed at coming up with a research agenda that answers to the pillars as enshrined in the Malawi 2063 agenda.”
Dr Nagoli however said Malawi can only progress if science, technology and innovations are embraced.
The meeting has been organized in corroboration with the National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) to ensure that all research agenda are consolidated to the national development.
Isaac Chingota is the Chief Technology and Transfer officer at NCST said the meeting has brought together the academicians, the chief executive officer, civil society organizations and research institutions.