Seychelles Main Opposition Leader Charged on Witchcraft

Seychelles Main Opposition Leader Charged on Witchcraft

Leader of Seychelles main opposition party and seven other individuals have been charged on allegations of witchcraft.

Patrick Herminie plans to run in 2025 presidential election under the banner of United Seychelles Party USP and has denied the charges saying the arrest is political effort to taint his image and the party.

Police say the case is related to discovery of two bodies that had been exhumed from a grave on the island of Mahe.

Police say they found him in possession of documents suspected to have been stolen from vandalized places and his name appeared in a WhatsApp communication between a Seychellois and a Tanzanian who was arrested in September in possession of items related to witchcraft.

The court released Herminie and other Seychellois defendants on bail of 30,000 Seychelles rupees but Tanzanian suspect will stay in custody until the hearing in November.

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