Son rapes mother

Balaka First Grade Magistrate Court has sentenced a 23 year old man Macdonald Kusala to 7 years imprisonment with hard labour for raping his biological mother aged 42 in her matrimonial house.

Submitting his facts after the suspect pleaded guilty to the charge of rape which is contrary to section 133 of the Penal code, Police Prosecutor Inspector Isaac Mponela told the court that Kusala committed the offence on or about August 21 this year at Khoswe village in Balaka district.

Mponela said “the convict was caught red-handed by his younger brother who informed the elders before the victim reported the same to Balaka Police.”

According to Balaka Police publicist Inspector Joseph Sauka, after the submission of the facts and following his own plea of guilty the court convicted him.

Sauka said in his submission before sentence Inspector Mponela asked the court to consider giving the suspect a stiffer sentence considering the nature and seriousness of the offence which attracts the maximum sentence of death or life imprisonment.

However, in his mitigation, Macdonald asked for forgiveness saying that he is a first offender.

Passing judgment First Grade Magistrate Felix Mandala agreed with the Police that the suspect deserved a stiffer sentence because of the seriousness of the offence as he did it to his own mother which is a taboo.

“I wonder as to how he managed to go to his mother’s house, undress and rape her,” wondered Mandala.

He therefore sentenced him to 84 months imprisonment with hard labour so that it should be a lesson to him and would be offenders.

Macdonald Kusala who is a second born in a family of six comes from Khoswe village, in the area of Senior Chief Nsamala in Balaka district.

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