UK Search and Rescue Experts in Malawi
A twelve member team of search and rescue experts from United Kingdom have arrived in the country to train their Malawian counterparts.
The training will basically focus on how to respond to future floods and build Malawi’s resilience to climate change induced severe weather events.
The team was welcomed by Deputy British High Commissioner and Development Director Olympia Wereko-Brobby.
Brobby said the 7-day intensive training will draw 40 National SAR Cluster participants from various units, such as Malawi Defense Force, the General and Marine Police, Marine Department, Fisheries, DoDMA, and Malawi Red Cross Society.
She adds that the training will target SAR strategic planners and boat operators and culminate in a live simulation exercise on Lake Malawi on 9th and 10th February.
This is the third time for the experts to visit Malawi following the cyclone freddy in 2023.
The deputy British high commissioner said this year will provide training of trainers for officers and college instructors at strategic and tactical levels to further institutionalize SAR across the flood prone nation’s response services.