Vice president sacked from Public sector reforms commission

Human Rights Activist Billy Mayaya says Public Sector Reforms have not benefited Malawians.

Mayaya has made the remarks a day after government said had reverted the public sector reforms commission which was chaired by vice president Dr Sualosi Chilima to Office of President and Cabinet.

He said the reforms should have focused on corruption and other issues of national interest.

According to government spokesperson Nicholas Dausi the reforms have been reverted to office of president because their tenure of office has expired.

“Chilima and his team were well aware of this as they were communicated to back in June, 2016 when president Peter Mutharika extended their mandate for an additional six months to finalise the titbits that were there,” said Dausi.

In 2014 Mutharika embarked on a public service reforms program to improve service delivery and productivity in the public sector among other goals.

In a drive to kick-start the reforms the commission selected several ministries and departments to pioneer the reforms and accountability in service delivery.

Up to date the public sector reforms have since been introduced at district council level and in parastatals as a way of making them permanent in order to create renewed mindsets among Malawians.

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