Armed robbers attack Thyolo National Bank
Report reaching Radio Islam is indicating that armed robbers have attacked a Thyolo National Bank of Malawi branch. According to Thyolo Police Station Officer, Senior Superintendent Bostons Amanzie the incident took place at around 9 o’clock in the last evening. Amanzie said were wearing mobile police service uniform and G4S security guards uniforms.
He said when the robbers got into the bank they tied up the security guards and removed a fire warning cyclines which alerted the manager through his mobile phone that the bank was on fire.
Amanzie added that the manager reported the incident to the police at around 12 midnight and when the police arrived at the scene they were amazed to note that the was no any sign of fire in the building.
Upon noticing that the police have arrived the robbers escaped. Meanwhile Amanzie said the police have managed to recover the uniforms and some materials that the robbers brought among others spanners and gas cylinder.
Amanzie has therefore urged security guards in the country not to allow any police officer into any company’s premises during odd hours as their job is to guard the outside premises and not inside the premises.